The UK’s new guidance on the use of tactile paving surfaces »
The UK’s Department for Transport released a new guidance document on the use of tactile paving surfaces in January 2022. This document aims to give advice on installing and using different...
MS CPD by The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland »
As part of our continuous professional development (CPD) for this month a session on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) was hosted by representatives of MS Ireland – The Multiple Sclerosis Society of...
New inclusive playground and leisure area in Cork »
Crann has revealed a design for a new inclusive and accessible playground to be built in County Cork. Crann is a charity that provides lifelong support to families living with neuro-physical disabilities...
17 things you should see in a wheelchair accessible unisex toilet »
Everyone needs to use the toilet including the estimated 1 in 7 people living with a disability in Ireland. It is expected that the Irish population will increase to 5.2 million by the year 2026...