The Housing Agency launches a new report 'Thinking Ahead: Independent and Supported Housing Models for an Ageing Population'
At the end of November 2018, The Housing Agency revealed their latest report at Age Friendly Ireland’s Housing & Public Realm Seminar which was held in the Gibson Hotel, Dublin. Research, conducted by the Housing Agency in the past, uncovered a gap in the housing market for older people.
The gap identified is housing which would allow older people to live independently but give access to some level of additional support as and when required. It was also observed that there is a lack of choice and scale of housing provisions to suit the population as we age and our needs and requirements change. The research did uncover some good examples of housing types and developments which are looking to fill this space in the market. This report focuses on these projects in an attempt to showcase good examples and spread the learning in his area.
The report includes 19 case studies found across Ireland that vary in size and services provided. The report’s researchers visited all the schemes, met with staff and residents, discovered how the funding, allocation and management of each development works in order to understand and present a complete overview of how each scheme differs and what has been learned since their inception.
The research hopes to be of interest to policy makers, local authorities, developers, architects, other people involved in design as well as older people themselves. It hopes to increase the awareness of good design and best practice when designing and thinking about this category of housing.
For more information and to download the PDF version of the report click here.
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