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Guidelines for Local Authorities in the Preparation of Corporate Plans

New guidelines have been introduced for Local Authorities in the preparation of their Corporate Plans for 2019-2024. Under the new guidelines, Local Authorities now need to address accessibility in their Corporate Plans.
In terms of accessibility, the guidelines have the following key recommendations:

Section 42(2) of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 requires that public bodies report on developments and achievements on the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty in a manner that is accessible to the public. This includes setting out in its strategic plan why specific issues need to be addressed and reporting in its annual report how issues have been addressed, or plan to be addressed, and outcomes as a result.

In Appendix 2 – “Suggested Non-Exhaustive List of Baseline Data”, the Guidelines refer specifically to Housing where one of their Performance Goals is to deliver sufficient and appropriate housing for disabled persons. Achieving targets for the provision of suitable housing for people with disabilities nationally is included in the measurement methodology.

For further information on The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 click here.

If you need further information on the Guidelines for Local Authorities in the preparation of Corporate Plans for 2019-2024, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on (01) 415 12 85 or e-mail [email protected].