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Access Auditing training.

An access audit is one of the first steps to design an access strategy. Audits of the built environment not only considers movement to and around the building, but also the use by potential users with neurodiverse or hidden disabilities and their experience of the services the building provides.

Access audits are carried out by different specialists like architects, engineers, occupational therapists, access consultants or people with disabilities considering different aspects for example the use of the building, maintenance, management, etc.

It is important to learn how to perform an access audit. O’Herlihy Access Consultancy has developed different training programs that focuses on carrying out access audits for all types of specialists.

During the past month, the company has been involved in different training programmes on this topic. Due to social distance guidelines all the courses are currently delivered online. The most recent access auditing course consisted of reviewing all important aspects of an access audit in an interactive and engaging way where participants were asked to carry  out an access audit on an online case study followed with discussions in relation to the key principles with the rest of participants.
Key learning outcomes from the course includes:

The aim of the course is to teach how to carry out an access audit considering the latest legislation and universal design considerations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn how to perform an access audit.

For the link to all our courses, click here:

Alternatively, if you need a tailored course please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on (01) 415 12 85 or e-mail [email protected].